Autoplay Featured Video

Highlight your message with an autoplay video feature on any page.

Follow these steps to add a featured video to your page:

  1. Create an new unlisted Basic Page

    • Start by creating a new unlisted basic page.

  2. Add a YouTube link to the Basic Page

    • Inside the basic content section, add a YouTube link.

    • Ensure the link is plain text without any formatting.

  3. Prepare the page for Featuring the Video

    • Go to the backend of the page where you want the featured video to appear.

    • Ensure there are no existing featured content sliders.

  4. Create a New Featured Content Slider

    • In the "Page to feature*" field, add the slug of the page created in step 1 (example shown below).

    • For the "image" field, upload the first frame of the YouTube video. This image will display while the video is loading or if it fails to load.

  5. Optional: Add Overlay Text

    • If you want text overlay on the video (as shown in the example above), enter your text in the "Label*" and "Headline/Action" fields (example shown below).

  6. Finalize the Featured Video Settings

    • Save your featured content slider.

    • Return to the settings of the page that will display the Autoplay Featured Video.

    • Add the tag Admin Show Featured Video.

To overlay a featured button which redirects to important actions on your site, follow these steps:

  1. Set the Button Link

    • Use the tag Admin Featured Button Link:[SOME_SLUG].

    • Replace [SOME_SLUG] with the slug of the page you want to link to.

  2. Customize the Button Text

    • Apply the tag Admin Featured Button Text:[SOME TEXT].

    • Replace [SOME TEXT] with your desired button label.

Remember to replace [SOME_SLUG] and [SOME TEXT] with your specific page slug and button text respectively.

Last updated